Meet the Maker AP - Norse Ceramics

By Jenny Vickers Chyb

The Asbury Park Bazaar's "Meet the Maker AP" series highlights local and regional artists and makers that you can find at our upcoming Valentine's Market taking place Saturday & Sunday, Feb 11 & 12, from noon to 5 pm in the Grand Arcade of Convention Hall in beautiful Asbury Park!

Today's #MeetTheMakerAP is Lauren and Dave Shoemaker of Norse Ceramics. They design beautiful one-of-a-kind, handmade and hand carved porcelain vases, ring dishes and jewelry. I was so excited to buy my first Norse piece from them at last year's Holiday Bazaar - a beautiful white vase that I'll adore forever. Come get one for yourself or a loved one tomorrow, Sunday, February 12th, at the Asbury Park Valentine's Market!

1) How did your business get its start?

Our business grew out of hobby. Lauren had studied at Haystack Mountain School of Craft, which further inspired both Dave and Lauren to continue making ceramics. Many classes and workshops later, Norse was created and we began selling our pottery to local vendors such as Red Moon in Asbury Park and Sickles Market in Little Silver.

2) What motivates you as an artist and maker?

Norse is inspired by the exploration of process and refining the forms we create.

3) Where did you grow up and where do you live and work now? What is your favorite part about living there?

We grew up on the Jersey Shore and both spent vacations in Maine, with our respective families as children. Maine has a special place in our hearts and inspires a lot of our creative process.  We now reside in the woods of Howell, NJ where we enjoy open space & nature.

4) Walk us through a day in the life in your work space.

Norse Collective is a creative endeavor that began to grow just before our son was born, so our time spent in the studio is a bit of a balancing act between full time jobs and being new parents.  Dave typically works during the day and Lauren will do most of her hand carving and making at night.

5) What are you most looking forward to at the Asbury Park Bazaar this Valentine's Market?

We always enjoy meeting the people who are interested in and collect our work. 

6) Why should people shop small / shop local for Valentine's and year round for that matter?

Personally, we've always been attracted to handmade craft and local/small shops because of the connection you create with shopkeepers and makers.

7) What are you Valentine's weekend plans other than selling?

We may try to go roller skating... otherwise just squeeze in a smooch or two😍

8) If your planning to join us at our Roller Boogie in Convention Hall, what would be your perfect roller skating outfit?

Birthday suits! Hahaaa, just kidding!😍

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