Making the Magic Happen
Jenny Vickers Chyb
Jenny is the founder of the Asbury Park Bazaar. She also works at a non-profit, Clean Water Action, helping to save the environment and is a new mom to an adorable daughter, Magdalena. She used to crochet and own her own shop WOVEN, in her past life (you know, when she had time to crochet, and stuff).
Joe Chyb
Joe is the Operations and Entertainment Manager for the Asbury Park Bazaar. In addition to founding the Bazaar in 2013 with his wife Jenny, he helped create a music and camping festival on the Asbury Park beach called “Indian Summer” that was a musical component of the Fall Bazaar for 5 years. Since then Joe has worked with many talented and smart folks booking shows, managing large scale events, running a music venue and throwing tea parties with his 2 year old daughter.