Asbury Park Bazaar Feature: Jason Daniel Photography
Image by Jason Daniel Photography
Asbury Park Fall Bazaar is right around the corner, and we are excited to feature one of our event sponsors Jason Daniel Photography. Jason Daniel is a fine art photographer who recently relocated to the Garden State and is finding new inspiration up and down the Jersey shore, as well as chasing the light across the Big Apple.
Life is experienced as a series of images - snapshots gone in the blink of an eye. Jason Daniel seeks out those fleeting moments, both light and dark, exposing their intersections with our deepest human emotions. Learn more in our interview with Jason below!
And be sure to come check out Jason’s photography at the Asbury Park Fall Bazaar on Saturday & Sunday, September 28 & 29, from 12-5 PM in the Grand Arcade of Convention Hall. Find out all of the event details here.
Tell us more about yourself and where you are from.
I grew up in Hoopeston, Illinois, the Sweetcorn Capitol of the World. Many people find it quite humorous that our high school mascot is called the Cornjerker! From an early age, I fell in love with movies and often would dream of one day becoming a filmmaker. I loved the creative process and was quite captivated with cinematography. I graduated with a degree in broadcasting, and eventually made my way up to Chicago where I worked for 20+ years in television and video production.
Image by Jason Daniel Photography
What motivated you to pick up a camera and shoot originally?
Working in television and video production, I had a pretty good eye for composition and framing. As video camera technology was changing, I felt the need to learn and understand the quickly evolving DSLR cameras. Instead of the natural progression to use the DSLRs for video recording, I fell in love with the more traditional use of the DSLR as a still camera. In 2015, I jumped in with both feet by challenging myself to take a picture for 365 days straight. That is when I found my own style and vision with photography.
Image by Jason Daniel Photography
How do you describe your photography to someone who’s not familiar with it?
First, I like to think that my photography is constantly evolving. I tend to call myself a “Fine Art” photographer because it is just vague enough to allow for creative freedom in any direction I would like to go. A lot of my work is black-and-white architectural photography that tends to chase light while maintaining the dark shadows that always lies beneath. I am starting to explore more color photography and working to incorporate more of that into my work. I am really excited about some of the pieces I am working on for the Asbury Park Fall Bazaar.
You said you recently relocated to the East Coast. Tell us more about what inspired this move.
A tremendous opportunity to advance my career brought me out to the East Coast. With that move brought new inspiration, and an opportunity to bring my work to an entirely new audience.
Image by Jason Daniel Photography
Image by Jason Daniel Photography
What is it that you work to express through your photography?
I just want to capture the world and present it in a new way. I think we go through life without ever stopping to study all the small details around us. I hope my work inspires thoughts about what is ultimately awaiting us, if we all take time to look for it.
The Daily Grind. Image by Jason Daniel Photography
Can you share one of your favorite images and the story behind it and why it means so much to you?
The photo that means the most to me is “The Daily Grind” from the summer of 2015. It was day 211 of my 365-day challenge. For the first time I felt like I was capturing moments instead of just pictures. A lot of time that summer was spent on street photography, and I managed to capture four people descending the “L” platform in perfect order. This was my first photo that received any sort of recognition, and the first to hang in an art gallery. It was the confirmation that I needed, that what I was doing was appreciated by others.
Image by Jason Daniel Photography
Tell us what you love about Asbury Park and what you are most looking forward to at the Asbury Park Fall Bazaar?
I think we can all agree Asbury Park is a magical place. For a kid growing up in the Midwest, Asbury Park was this mythical place of legends -- the place that shaped and formed Bruce Springsteen! Shortly after moving to New Jersey in the spring of 2023, I visited Asbury Park for the first time while on a first date with my current partner. That date and Asbury Park lived up to all the hype. The magic and excitement of Asbury swept over me on that sunny afternoon. Bubbles were floating down the boardwalk, music was in the air, and I fell in love. Asbury has such a rich artist community, as well, from the Wooden Walls Project to Danny Clinch’s Transparent Clinch Gallery. I am so excited to have my first exhibition on the East Coast in Asbury Park. Architecturally, Asbury Park has been a great muse for me, and I can’t wait to set up and share with everyone in Convention Hall.
Pick up the perfect photography for you or a loved one by Jason Daniel at the Asbury Park Fall Bazaar in the Grand Arcade of Convention Hall in Asbury Park, NJ on Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th, from 12-5 PM. Get all the event details here.